China Kudzu Root Extract Manufacturers and Suppliers | Chenlv

Kudzu Root Extract

Товч тодорхойлолт:

Kudzu усан үзмийн мод ханд үндэс  нь сайн тодорхой, уусах нь амт, хоол тэжээл, эмийн үйл ажиллагаа хадгалагдан үлдсэн байдаг нь ургамлын нунтаг ханд юм. Энэ нь өргөн шингэн ундаа, хатуу ундаа, эрүүл мэндийн бүтээгдэхүүн, үйл ажиллагааны хоол хүнс, ундаа, ая тухтай хоол хүнс, гурилан бүтээгдэхүүн, чихэр, үрэл, болон зууш хоол янз бүрийн хичээлүүд ашиглаж болно.

Бүтээгдэхүүний дэлгэрэнгүй

Бүтээгдэхүүний хаягууд

Идэвхтэй бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг: puerariae flavonid, puerarin 

CAS No .:  3681-99-0

Латин нэр:  Pueraria lobataWilld.Ohwi 

Хэрэглэж-р хэсэг:  Root буюу эх

Гадаад өнгө байдал:  цагаан нунтаг нь хүрэн

Илрүүлэх арга:  HPLC


puerariae 40% flavonid, 80% нь

20%, 50%, 98% Puerarin 

Үр дүнтэй:

Kudzu Root Extract is a powdered herbal extract with flavor-preserving, nutritional and medicinal properties, with good clarifying and solubility properties. It can be widely used in all kinds of liquid drinks, solid drinks, health care products, functional food drinks, convenience foods, bakery products, candy, tablets, snack foods and so on.

The root of Pueraria Mirifica, a leguminous plant, is a common ingredient in some provinces in southern China. It is sweet and tasty, and can be used in soups, powdered Pueraria Mirifica or Pueraria Mirifica tea, or as medicine.Pueraria Mirifica has the ability to clear fever, dispel phlegm and relieve cough, lower blood sugar, and protect cardiovascular health.Pueraria Mirifica has the ability to clear fever, dispel phlegm and relieve cough, lower blood sugar, and protect cardiovascular health.Pueraria Mirifica is high in dietary fiber, which improves constipation, removes toxins from the body, reduces cancer; relieves alcoholism, nourishes the stomach, and protects the liver.Frequent consumption of Pueraria Mirifica powder can regulate the human body functions, enhance the physique, improve the body’s ability to resist disease, anti-aging and prolong life.Puerariae flavonid has high levels of phytoestrogens, which activate the ovaries and make the skin smooth and supple.

It is one of the most important roles of kudzu, which not only contains a lot of starch, it also contains a lot of isoflavones and puerarin, as well as the human body needs trace elements, usually after people can eat to nourish the body can also relieve deficiency.

Бүтээгдэхүүний сав баглаа боодол: 25kg / бөмбөрийн

Хүчин төгөлдөр байх хугацаа: 24 сар

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