China Kunorwadza vise mushoma Manufacturers uye Suppliers | Chenlv

Kunorwadza vise mushoma

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

 Kunorwadza  vise wabvisa  chinhu chiedza shava yero upfu kuti inotengwa kubva muchero Memordica Charantia L. Rine mafomu chinorwisa kenza, asima, siyana ganda zvirwere, chirwere cheshuga, GI zvinetso, uye vanhuwo kuchitonhora. Uyezve, anogona kurwisa chirwere cheshuga uye iri Anti-nemavhairasi kuna HIV uye kunogona kuwedzera kugadzirwa Beta masero nerwatata, kugadzira Beta masero, uye inotokonya kudzorera mashandiro rwatata. Industries kuti rinoshandiswa zvinosanganisira dzichipfekeka zvokudya, chinwiwa uye zvokudya.

Product Detail

Product Tags

Active chirungiso:  charantin, momordicin, peptide

CAS No .:  57126- 62 -2

Zita Latin:  Momordica Charantia Linn.

Chikamu akashandiswa:  muchero

Chitarisiko:  yellowish wakanaka upfu

Kuonekwa nzira:  HPLC


Ratio 10: 1


Momordicin Peptide70%


Bitter melon — also known as bitter gourd or Momordica charantia — is a tropical vine that belongs to the gourd family and is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber.It’s cultivated around the world for its edible fruit, which is considered a staple in many types of Asian cuisine.The Chinese variety is typically long, pale green, and covered with wart-like bumps.On the other hand, the Indian variety is more narrow and has pointed ends with rough, jagged spikes on the rind.In addition to its sharp flavor and distinct appearance, bitter melon has been associated with several impressive health benefits.Bitter melon contains steroidal saponins such as momordicin, insulin-like peptides ,charantin and alkaloids, which confer hypoglycemic activity to bitter melon. Bitter melon stimulates the release of insulin and impedes the formation of glucose in the blood stream, a function that may play a tremendous role in the treatment of diabetes, especially in non-insulin-dependent diabetes. This hypoglycemic function is attributed to two substances: bitter melon and P-insulin.

Heano 6 kunobatsirei zvinovava vise wayo mushoma.

1.Bitter vise ndiro rakanaka muviri wakafanana faibha, vhitamini C, folate uye vhitamini A.

2.Bitter vise zvakaratidzwa kuvandudza zvezvinangwa wandei refu ropa shuga kuzvidzora, kusanganisira kwevari fructosamine uye Chizenga A1c. Kunyange zvakadaro, zvakawanda tsvakurudzo mukuru-chinodiwa.

3.Test-chubhu zvidzidzo zvinoratidza kuti shungu vise ave kenza-kurwa zvivako uye aigona kuva vanobudirira pamusoro dumbu, muura, bapu, nasopharynx, uye masero kenza yemazamu.

zvidzidzo 4.Animal dzinoratidza kuti shungu vise mushoma anogona kuderera remafuta akawandisa yomuropa, izvo zvinogona kubatsira rutsigiro mwoyo utano. Kunyange zvakadaro, kuongorora dzevanhu kuzosimbisa zvinokonzerwa izvi chinoshaikwa.

5.Bitter vise yakaderera mune macalorie asi mudenga faibha. Human uye mhuka zvidzidzo vakawana kuti shungu vise mushoma kungabatsirawo kuderera dumbu mafuta uye muviri uremu.

6.Bitter vise zviri nyore kugadzira uye kunogona kushandiswa mune dzakawanda madhishi siyana uye Quick.

Product kavha: 25KG / dhiramu

Ukoshi nguva: 24 mwedzi

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