Kinija L-alanino gamintojai ir tiekėjai | Chenlv


Trumpas aprašymas:

L-alaninas yra ne-amino rūgštis, kuri įvyksta aukšto lygio, jo laisvos padėties plazmoje. Jis gaminamas iš piruvato pagal transamininimo.

Prekės detalės

Prekės žymės

CAS numeris: 56-41-7

Molekulinė formulė: C3H7NO2

Molekulinė masė: 89,09

Išvaizda: balta smulkūs milteliai

L-alaninas is a non-essential amino acid that occurs in high levels in its free state in plasma. It is produced from pyruvate by transamination. It is involved in sugar and acid metabolism, increases immunity, and provides energy for muscle tissue, brain, and the central nervous system. BCAAs are used as a source of energy for muscle cells. During prolonged exercise, BCAAs are released from skeletal muscles and their carbon backbones are used as fuel, while their nitrogen portion is used to form another amino acid, Alanine. Alanine is then converted to Glucose by the liver. This form of energy production is called the Alanine-Glucose cycle, and it plays a major role in maintaining the body’s blood sugar balance.

Įpakavimas: 25kg / būgnas

Galiojimo laikotarpis: 24 mėnesių


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