Cina Jahé Akar nimba Manufacturers na suppliers | Chenlv

Ekstrak jahé Akar

Pondok Description:

Jahé nimba  mangrupa bubuk sari sasari tina sirung bawah tanah tina jahé tutuwuhan, jeung ngandung minyak volatile na sari gingerols.Ginger ieu dipaké pikeun pitulung nyegah atanapi gerak panyakit saréat sarta ngabogaan kapasitas antioksidan kuat

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Ngaran produk: Jahé Akar nimba

bahan aktif: gingerol

Ngaran Latin: ekstrak Jahé Akar

AliasesExtract of ginger root; Ginger root extract; Zingiber officinale extract; Zingiber officinale root extract; CCRIS 7641; FEMA No. 2520; FEMA No. 2521; FEMA No. 2523; Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.); Ginger extract (Zingiber officinale); Ginger oleoresin (Zingiber officinale Rosc.); Ginger, ext.; UNII-C5529G5JPQ

EINECS NO283-634-2

Bagian dipaké: Akar

Penampilan: bubuk coklat Konéng

Test method: HPLC 

Spésifikasi: gingerol 5% or extract at customer’s request 


Efficacy: Jahé ieu loba dipaké salaku bantuan pencernaan keur ngarareunah gastric hampang tur dipaké ku herbalists profésional pikeun pitulung nyegah atanapi saréat seueul sarta utah disababkeun ku panyakit mobil, kakandungan, etc.Ginger boga burih-strengthening, sariawan anti burih, anti baktéri, insecticidal, épék anti radang, tapi ogé ngabogaan antioksidan kuat capacity.Ginger ogé bisa dipaké salaku aditif pangan jeung dina persiapan flavors.Ginger ieu ogé dipaké pikeun pitulung saréat rematik, burut, diare, sarta panyakit jantung.Ginger, the underground stem, or rhizome, of the plant Zingiber officinale, has been used as a medicine in Chinese herbal traditions since ancient times. In China, for example, ginger has been used for over 2,000 years to aid digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea and nausea. Since ancient times, ginger has also been used to help treat arthritis, hernia, diarrhea and heart disease. In its native Asia, it has been used as a culinary ingredient for at least 4,400 years.The active ingredients of ginger include zingiberol, zingiberene,bisabolene, α-curcumene, linalool, cineole and α-borneol; it also contains the pungent ingredient gingerol and decomposition products. Gingerone; still contains many amino acids and so on.Ginger horseradish is a general term for gingerols, ginger brains, and other spicy substances related to ginger. Ginger horseradish has strong anti-lipofuscin properties.Gingerol ‘s CAS No:23513-14-6.


bungkusan produk: 25KG / kendang

jaman validitas: 24 bulan

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