Cina Oat jarami nimba Manufacturers na suppliers | Chenlv

Oat jarami nimba

Pondok Description:

Oat  nimba  anu sourced ti bibit séréal oat. Produk ieu mucunghul salaku bubuk bodas atawa mareuman-bodas rupa nu geus gampang leyur dina éter, chloroform, métanol, étanol, jeung acetone. Ieu bisa dipaké dina suplemén gizi, sarta ngabantu ngaronjatkeun fungsi sistem imun jeung ningkatkeun efek tina kémoterapi.

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Tags produk

Bahan aktif:  β-glucan oat

CAS No .:  9012-72-0

Bagian dipaké:  oat bran

Penampilan:  bodas atawa mareuman bubuk rupa bodas

Metoda Test:  HPLC / TLC


β-glucan 50%

β-glucan 70% 


Oat Beta Glucanoat β-glucan is derived from the oat bran of high quality, non-GMO Swedish oats through a patented process without chemical addition. has generated considerable interest due to its cholesterol-lowering properties,also has excellent anti-aging effect, can smooth fine wrinkles, improve skin texture. Oat extract is the whole herb extract of oat, which mainly contains β-glucan and flavonoids and a variety of antioxidant substances, has excellent anti-aging effects, can smooth fine wrinkles and improve skin texture. Oat extracts have been shown to benefit the spleen, stomach, smooth the intestines and induce labor, stop sweating and stop bleeding. Oats are also an ideal food for the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Oats is a low-sugar, high-protein, high-fat, high-energy food that has become one of the most popular health foods today.

Other effects

1, antioxidant effect: many studies have confirmed that oats are an important source of natural antioxidants, containing phenolic acids, phenolic acid derivatives, vitamin E, flavonoids, phytic acid compounds

2, Anticancer effect

3. Anti-high blood viscosity and platelet aggregation.

4, in the application of cosmetics: oats on allergic skin has significant curative effect, can improve the lubrication of the skin, reduce the harsh environment due to skin irritation as well as eczema caused by skin pain and itching. Because it does not contain soap-based components, it does not irritate the skin.

5, oat extract can improve the newborn piglets’ resistance to disease


Bungkusan produk: 25KG / kendang

Jaman validitas:  24 months

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